Why the Philippines Could Become the Next Premier Sailing Destination in the World

For those in search of a sailing paradise in Southeast Asia, look no further than the gorgeous Philippine archipelago. With the country’s beautifully sublime islands and the welcoming Filipino people, it’s no wonder why it’s fast becoming a go-to for many sailing enthusiasts across the globe.

Curious about what makes this country such an ideal sailing destination? Read on for a few compelling reasons why you should consider it for your next yachting getaway:


You can expect perfect sailing weather for most of the year

Due to the country’s location on the equator, the Philippines generally experiences warm but breezy weather conditions when it’s not the typhoon season. Because of this, you can expect powerful yet predictable winds whenever you do decide to set sail.

The balmy climate also makes it enjoyable for sailors to navigate the archipelago’s calm but deep waters regardless of experience level. As long as you take the necessary precautions, especially during storm season, you’ll always experience smooth sailing.


You’ll have a great social life, thanks to the country’s friendly local sailing community

Whether you’re new to boating or have been doing it for a while, you’re sure to receive a warm welcome from the Philippine’s friendly community of sailors. With such a diverse group of fellow sailing enthusiasts consisting of locals and expats, you won’t ever be wanting for socialization. Expect to bond over a shared love for adventures out at sea, all while enjoying delicious food and cozy lodging.


There will be more sailors joining the community thanks to quality sailing education

Though the Philippines has a rich maritime history, there are still quite a number of locals who have yet to experience the joys of yachting. In fact, a lot of Filipinos believe that owning a sailboat in the Philippines is only something for the rich and famous.  However, boat charter services are actually now available at major sailing locations in the country. One doesn’t really have to own a boat anymore to experience life at sea!

Moreover, efforts are being made to provide more quality sailing education in the country, making this activity more accessible to Filipinos. One such initiative is the launching of the Europa Sailing School, done as a partnership between Europa Yachts and the Subic Sailing Club. The school is set to launch in the next few months.


Because there are so many places to visit, you’ll never run out of new things to discover.

Whether you’re a nature fan, a history buff, or a thrill-seeker, you’re sure to find something to do that aligns with your interests. After all, with over 7000 islands to explore, there’s no shortage of destinations and activities to try in the Philippines. You can take in the natural beauty of Palawan’s flora and fauna, immerse yourself in Corregidor Island’s military history, or even dock by the lake and take a day hike up Taal Volcano in Batangas, among other leisurely activities.


You can test your skills by participating in local sailing competitions.

If you’re feeling a bit rusty or up for a little challenge, you may want to join one of the sailing regattas hosted in the Philippines. A number of them take place in the waters of Subic Bay, including the Subic Bay Cup Regatta, the Chairman’s Cup Regatta, the Commodore’s Cup Regatta, and the Standard Insurance Subic Bay Around Verde Island Race. You can also try your luck at regattas that take in other locations, such as those organized around Taal Lake, Punta Fuego in Batangas, and Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro.


Sailing has become a more sustainable way to travel the country compared to cruise ship tourism.

The Philippines has constantly strived to preserve its many natural wonders, and that includes its coastal environments. Given a growing global awareness of environmental problems, many tourists have also been encouraged to minimize their environmental footprint. Thus, some travelers have turned to sailing as a more sustainable alternative to cruise ship travel. Not only does the former produce less carbon emissions, but its requirements in terms of infrastructure are also less destructive on the environment.


Given the growth of the local sailing industry in the past decade, it may not be long before more Filipinos learn to love sailing as a sport. Alternatively, they can also consider owing a powerboat in the Philippines instead, which isn’t too bad either. Thanks to its favorable climate, its vibrant sailing community, and its many natural wonders, the Philippines could indeed very well become one of the biggest sailing hotspots around the world.